Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lessons from my life part 5

So what does a working woman with children, a husband out of work, who is battling unaware seasonal depression because she is not geting sunlight or human contact struggle with the most?


Stress of finances.

Stress over some of the bad choices my kids made in this time.

Stress of deadlines

Stress of failing

Stress of getting fat

Stress of the condition of the world.

And that is just the big stressors. What about the little ones like, "Why is the car overheating randomly?

or the old lady feeling like I may be hellbound and become a drunk because I am not attending church right now.

It is said over and over that stress is a slow and silent destroyer. The body cannot work in harmony like it should when stress alters the flow of energy.
The adrenals feeling the fight or flight response all the time is surely not healthy, yet that is the way our lifestyles are bent toward. Continual ongoing stress.

The only thing I can say about this, my friends is that we all need to find our own ways of coping and making peace with life. Pray. Live well. Do the best you can.
There are many good herbs to help with these things if we just dont stress so much that we reject the simple plants that ease.


Norm Deplume said...

Stress is a bitch. I think the worst part of it is that the stress causes so many other symptoms that, in turn, cause even more stress.

I wish you a day of contentment and ease.

Anonymous said...

Kristena, I just wanted you to know how I enjoy reading your posts. You inspire and encourage this peri-menopausal woman here :-) I can soooo relate to your life lessons.

Unknown said...

Hello my sweet! I have been catching up on your blog today and really enjoying your lessons series.

Hope that your trip is going well and look forward to hearing all about it when you return.

much love -


Unknown said...

Hello my sweet! I have been catching up on your blog today and really enjoying your lessons series.

Hope that your trip is going well and look forward to hearing all about it when you return.

much love -
